News You Can Use: How to Improve Your Productivity at Work
We’ve never been more distracted. Just look at this chart below from Udemy:
Imagine how much more you and your team could accomplish if everyone was even just a little bit more productive. The impact on morale and your bottom line would be incredible.
The best way to improve productivity? Go into it with a set plan. Here’s a roundup of recent articles we’ve found that share insights and actionable tips and tricks to help you and your team work more productively and effectively.
Productivity and the Joy of Doing Things the Hard Way [Wired]
“I don’t oppose productivity. I need to get things done just like anybody else; I enjoy a helpful efficiency hack. I just worry that our obsession with productivity, and the explosion of technologies designed to boost it, come at a cost. ‘A tool that simply smooths and oils our way, that speeds us to the execution of an impulsion,’ as writer Nicholas Carr once put it, ‘has a deadening effect.’”
5 Tips for Getting More Done During Your Work Day [Entrepreneur]
“Time is money. A cliché, perhaps, but a true one—particularly for entrepreneurs. When you’re in the trenches building and growing something, there’s never enough time. The superhuman demands of starting a business don’t come with the superpower ability to add more hours to the day.
Instead, make the most of the time you have by working smarter. Here, we outline specific tips to milk more productivity from the work day.”
3 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Boost Workplace Productivity, Backed by Science [Inc.]
“Despite the amount of research on how to increase productivity by engineering the work environment, the vast majority of companies aren't doing what works…
Sure, companies may be investing in expensive ergonomic chairs, state-of-the-art noise reduction systems, and high-tech lighting. But many are overlooking what research has shown to be simple yet effective ways to optimize the work environment.”
5 Ways to be More Productive When Working from Home [Business Insider]
“It wasn't until I began working from home as an editor and writer nearly a decade ago that I realized how little I was getting accomplished in a traditional work environment, compared to performing my duties while in my own space.
I'm now more productive than ever, and I attribute much of that to following these productivity tips.”
Increase Your Sales Productivity: How to Find & Eliminate Drains [Carrie Maslen]
“Even incremental increases in productivity can have a serious effect on your company’s bottom line.
Salesforce reports that a sales person spends only 36% of their time actually selling. I’ve been involved in evaluating sales team productivity at two Fortune 500 companies, and can confirm this is true. So, imagine the impact if each person upped their productivity, even just a bit.”
Have you read any other articles about productivity you’ve found helpful? Share them in the comments below!
This article was originally published in February 2019 and has been updated.